Firearm Inventory

We Sell Rifles and Handguns in Montrose, PA

If you're looking to buy or sell a used firearm, visit Montrose Sporting Goods. We have an array of items to look at in our sporting goods store in Montrose, PA. We buy, sell, consign and trade a variety of makes and models.

You can bring in your gun or rifle that needs repairs and sell the gun or parts. We try to keep a variety of guns and rifles on hand. Visit Montrose Sporting Goods today to look at our guns for sale in Montrose, PA.

We Buy, Sell, and Trade All Firearms

You're welcome to bring in modern or classic firearms to sell or trade. We sell a variety of firearms, including:

Firearm Inventory

Used Handguns

Updated 02/22/2025

This is by no means a complete listing of our current inventory. We will try our best to continue to update it with the most interesting items. All listed prices reflect a 4% cash discount.

Used Rifles

Updated 02/21/2025

This may not be a complete listing of our current inventory. We will try our best to continue to update it as items are added to our inventory. All listed prices reflect a 4% cash discount.

Used Shotguns

Updated 02/21/2025

This is by no means a complete listing of our current inventory. We will try our best to continue to update it with the most interesting items. All listed prices reflect a 4% cash discount.

Revolver and Bullets Icon

Need a Special Order?

Let us know what you'd like. We can special order on all major manufacturers on new guns.

Our staff is available to answer your questions. We feature a full-service gunsmith shop to repair, refinish and customize any firearm. Contact Montrose Sporting Goods today for used handguns in Montrose, PA.

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